Motorsport and Agricultural Machinery
BSc/FdSc Motorsport/ Agricultural Machinery Engineering
The interview is a chance for you to see the College facilities and have a face to face discussion with a course tutor about why you would like to study your chosen course.
You will also been given Information Advice and Guidance on
- Finance
- Transport
- Next Steps
- Accommodation
- Learning Support
You may also get the chance to partake in a practical/workshop session.
If you require any special arrangements for your interview (for example wheelchair access, BSL interpreter) please let Admissions know at least one week prior to your interview.
Frequently Asked Questions
What should I wear to the interview?
Smart/casual but please consider the weather and campus terrain. Please wear suitable footwear and outerwear as you will be given a campus tour.
Do I need to bring anything with me to the interview?
No thank you. Copies of any Level 3 qualification already gained should have already been sent to the Admissions office prior to your interview.
How long will my interview/tour take
Approximately 1 – 3 hours
Tutor contact number/email address in case of query relating to course content
Telephone: 01995 642222 extension 2400
What if I need to leave early?
If you speak with the tutor on arrival at reception, it may be possible for you to be interviewed earlier than the other candidates. Please note this would only be possible in exceptional circumstances.