Myerscough College to conduct R&A research on the ‘Sustainability of Golf’
- Published
- Monday 10 Feb 2020
Myerscough College has been awarded a research grant to conduct a project into golf course sustainability, as part of the R&A’s Golf Course 2030 initiative.

The R&A governs golf worldwide, outside of the United States and Mexico, with the consent of 156 organisations from amateur and professional golf, and on behalf of over 30 million golfers in 143 countries.
Myerscough have been asked by the R&A to address the challenges posed by climate change, resource constraints and regulation on golf course conditioning and playability and to provide best practice in sustainability to those working in golf course management.
Specifically, the research aims to provide a coherent and consistent set of real world standards for various areas of the golf course environment, including, for example, tees, fairways, green approaches and first cut rough.
Dr John Fry, Project Lead, explains: ‘’Much of the current research focuses on the greens themselves, and there is little known about other areas of the course. This is particularly important given the amount of land dedicated to such areas, and currently it appears golf greens are overly prioritised.
“This is a fantastic opportunity to provide empirical research and guidance to one of sport’s most influential organisations, which is testament to the research profile Myerscough as developed in regards to sports and sportsturf research.’’
This research will draw together an agreed standard of provision and associated measurement methods. Such measures will then be subjected to a number of field tests in the golf environment, to ensure the validity of protocols and equipment to a cross section of clubs and managers.
Results from the study will be shared with golf course managers, greenkeepers and organisations involved in the maintenance and conditioning of golf facilities around the world.
Dr Stewart Brown, Senior Lecturer Sportsturf Agronomy added: “We are proud to be associated with this initiative which will address issues facing the golf industry.
‘’Our research is pooling our existing expertise in golf and sportsturf whilst developing new guidelines and standards which will assist golf course managers in the future management of their golf courses.”
by Dave Salmon