New Myerscough Corporation Chair and Vice-Chair announced
- Published
- Thursday 9 Jul 2020
Allan Foster and Jane Booker are the new Chair and Vice-Chair of the Myerscough Corporation, the College’s governing body.

Allan Foster has succeeded Stuart Heys as Chair of Myerscough’s Corporation. Allan joined the Corporation in 2012 after a 35-year career in higher education, and prior to that a period at the British Institute of Management. After leaving BIM in 1971 he moved to Sheffield Polytechnic (now Sheffield Hallam University) bewteen 1971 and 1980, Preston/Lancashire Polytechnic (now University of Central Lancashire) 1980 to 1988, University of Manchester Graduate School of Business Studies 1988 to 1994, and finally Keele University between 1994 and 2005.
In partial retirement he undertook various consultancy and writing assignments as well as teaching part-time at Manchester Metropolitan University. He lives in Lytham St Annes and is a Governor of Lytham St Annes High School.
Allan said: “I am honoured to have served on the Corporation, to have chaired its Quality & Standards Committee and now to take on the Chair’s role.
‘’The College continually astonishes me in terms of the spirit, imagination and commitment of its staff and learners. It’s contribution to the local community whilst also maintaining a successful presence on the national and international stage is exemplary. The membership of the Corporation has been strengthened in the last year or so and is made up of a highly skilled group of governors with a wide range of educational, business, financial and senior management experience. The College is well served by these committed and dedicated volunteers.
“The COVID-19 crisis has raised many issues for the College, as with virtually all other educational institutions, companies, organisations and individuals in the UK and abroad. I have no doubts that this unique college will rise to the challenge and emerge even stronger following the pandemic. I wish all staff and students the very best of luck in adapting to the inevitable changes that face us.”
Jane Booker joined the Corporation in 2016 and is the new Vice-Chair, as well as current Chair of Audit Committee, and the Link governor for Safeguarding and EDI. Jane is a graduate of UCLan in the days when it was known as Preston Polytechnic, and she practised locally as a solicitor for 27 years.
She retired as a solicitor in July 2014 and has since then undertaken various voluntary positions mentoring and assisting young people, setting up their own business, fundraising for the Children Today Charity and being an active member of the Board at the Dukes Theatre in Lancaster. She lives locally in Garstang.
Jane said: ‘’Having always lived local to the College, I was astounded when I joined the Board to see the wide range and diversity of courses offered and students supported.
‘’Even after four years on the Board, I remain proud of the dedication and commitment of all the staff at Myerscough. I am delighted to take on the Vice Chair role and hope that I can serve the College’s needs well.’’
The role of a Governor at Myerscough College is a very serious one. All of the Governors who serve on the College’s Corporation are committed to Myerscough and act in the best interests of the College.
The Corporation is a legal body constituted under the Further and Higher Education Act 1992 and consists of twenty members from all walks of life and a cross section of the community which it serves. In business terms it equates to a board of directors in a company. The current board includes people drawn from a range of backgrounds and experience who make a vital contribution to the work of the College.
Duties include attendance at Corporation meetings, committee meetings and training events.
by Dave Salmon