Return to Myerscough College & University Centre - January 2021
- Published
- Friday 11 Dec 2020
We've written to students with details about returning to residency in the New Year and our Covid-19 testing procedures.

Dear Student
Return to Myerscough College & University Centre - January 2021
Thank you for your help and support during this first term. We hope that you have a safe journey home and enjoy a much-deserved break over Christmas and New Year with your families.
This letter sets out the dates and guidance for your return to College in January 2021.
Term will restart for all students on Monday 4 January 2021 in accordance with your timetable. You may have read in the press about a phased return for students returning to Universities in the UK. This guidance does not apply to students returning to Myerscough College or University Centre.
Residential Students
Residential Students on Preston Campus can return to their accommodation from Sunday 3 January 2021 between 12 noon and 6pm. Keys will be available from the Residential offices. Please ensure that you wear your mask at all times and socially distance whilst collecting your key. Catering and the Mini-market will be available. Can we please ask that parents/guardians leave campus as quickly as possible once you have taken your belongings to your room and that only one parent/guardian accompanies you.
The Finance Team will be available to take payments or deal with queries until 4.30pm on Friday 18 December. Please ensure that you have paid for your next term’s accommodation before you come to collect your key. You will not be able to collect your key if amounts are outstanding. As a last resort Finance will be available to take card payments by phone on Sunday 3 January between 12 noon and 6pm.
Students who choose to return from Monday 4 January onwards should collect their keys from the Accommodation office during office hours.
Covid-19 Lateral Flow Testing
All returning Residential Students and all HE Students are entitled to a rapid COVID test upon their return to College, free of charge. Testing will be available from Sunday 3 January 2021 at the Stumble Inn.
These new quicker tests are delivered by NHS Test and Trace and are for people without Coronavirus symptoms. We strongly encourage you to take at least one test, but ideally two tests, three days apart.
Do I have to be tested?
No. Testing is not compulsory; however, we are making this available to our residential students and HE students on their return to College.
Who Can Be tested?
Every residential and HE student studying at Myerscough College & University Centre is eligible to take these tests, as long as they don't have COVID-19 symptoms.
If you are under 18 years of age, consent will be needed from your parent/carer before you can be tested. A form is attached with this letter and you will not be able to be tested without consent.
If you are 18 years of age and over, then by communicating with us and booking a time slot, you are giving your consent to be tested.
When should I book a test?
Depending upon when you are planning to return to College, the table below outlines the suggested dates for testing, please indicate your preference and we will do our best to accommodate you.
The dates highlighted in blue above are for first tests, the NHS recommends that ideally two tests should be taken and therefore the dates in white above are primarily available for students to have a second test. If, however, you want to have a test and are returning to site from Wednesday onwards you can book your slot on these times but will need to source a second test off site if you would like one. Unfortunately, we have limited times that we can operate the testing centre.
If you would like to book a test please do so before 12 noon on 18 December 2020. The College is closed over Christmas and any bookings or changes made after this time will not be picked up.
Staff handling bookings will return on Monday 4 January 2021 at 8:30 am.
How do I book?
All tests must be booked by emailing
When emailing to request a booking, you must include the following information in your email:
- Full Name
• Personal Email Address
• Personal Mobile Number
If you are under 18 years of age, the Consent Form completed by your Parent/Carer must have been returned to us at, or must accompany your email requesting a time slot.
Please note that a time slot will be allocated to you and specific time slots cannot be requested.
Returning to College
Students are encouraged to use private modes of travel where possible and avoid car sharing with non-family members.
If you do need to use public transport, then please follow all the relevant rules around social distancing and face-coverings. There is advice for international students on the government website. International travel may include the requirement for a private test, so please factor this into your overall travel costs.
Residential Students who choose to have a test
Residential Students who choose to have a test should go straight to the Testing Centre in the Stumble Inn and carry out a test before collecting their key or visiting other areas of the campus.
- If you travel to the College by private car, we ask that you return to your car whilst waiting for your results and do not move around the campus. Results should take about half an hour to process. If your result is negative please collect your key from the Accommodation Office. If your result is positive please return home and follow the Government Self-isolation Guidance.
- If you travel to College by public transport or taxi, we have set aside a waiting area whilst you wait for your test results. If your test is negative you will be allowed to collect your key. If your test is positive a member of staff will collect your key for you and escort you to your room. You will be expected to self-isolate in your room as per the Government Self-isolation Guidance.
HE non-residential students can choose to have a test. Please attend your test prior to your first lesson on campus. You will be asked to wait for the results of your test before being allowed join your first class.
What happens during and after the test
NHS Test and Trace have some guidance on what to expect when you turn up for your test, if you have symptoms of COVID-19, you must not get tested using this method.
Our FAQs explain what to do if you already have symptoms.
Please bring a charged mobile phone with you to help avoid delays in registering once you arrive at the testing site.
If you're feeling anxious about getting a test, please ask for support from our Residential Support or Student Support teams.
By taking a test, even if you don’t have symptoms, you can help keep your family members and your student community safe. Once you have taken your test, you should limit your contact with others until you get your result.
Further information
If you have any questions or you are concerned about your health and wellbeing please feel free to talk to your Residential Support Officers, the Residential Support Manager, Robert Kay or the Core Team. Below is a list of key emails / phone numbers for support, should you need them:
- Safeguarding:, 01995 642348 or 01995 642205.
• The Core / Student Support and Welfare: 01995 642348 up to 18 December 2020.
• Residential Support team 24hrs: 07889 754 287 up to 18 December 2020.
• Residential Accommodation: up to 18 December 2020.
In these challenging times, guidance changes very quickly so please can we ask that you monitor the College’s social media pages and website for any changes that we may have to implement between now and your return in January.
With very best wishes,
Alison Robinson MBA BA (Hons) Cert Ed
Chief Executive & Principal