Students reassured over 2020 places
- Published
- Thursday 26 Mar 2020
Myerscough College has moved to offer reassurance for students who have either applied, or are thinking of applying for a place on a study programme starting in September.

With learners fearing that perhaps they might miss out as a result of exam disruption brought on by the escalation of coronavirus, the College can confirm that no student will miss out on a place as the result of the pandemic.
The College realises and understands that future students fear their prospective positions may be at risk as a result of the campus shutdown that has been necessary to limit the spread of COVID-19. But, all College operations continue remotely, including the applications an admissions process.
In simple terms, we will ensure that no student will miss out on their place at college because of the coronavirus outbreak.
For students who have already received offers, and are concerned about how this year’s GCSE and A Level results will be calculated, don’t worry. We’re not going to leave you high and dry without a place. As soon as we know more from government we’ll update you accordingly.
For students who have already submitted applications, we would normally invite you in to College for ‘face-to-face’ interviews or an ‘Applicant Day’ experience. Please note that these events planned for March and April will now NOT be taking place. The departmental teaching teams and/or Admissions Team will be contacting you shortly to make alternative arrangements. They will either arrange telephone/Skype discussions or they will now just assess your application form and make offers of places at a level appropriate to your expected/predicted GCSE grades, without the requirement for you to attend College for interview.
And….we are still accepting applications for students looking to start in September.
We’re continuing to process College applications as quickly as possible, even though many of our administration staff are home-working from Monday 23rd March. It may mean your application might take a little longer for us to process, so if you haven’t heard back from us straight away, don’t panic, you will be contacted as soon as possible.
The Application Form does contain a Personal Statement section which is used by tutors to assess your application. Please use this statement to provide as much as much information as you can, highlighting your enthusiasm for the subject and any experience that you might have.
Departmental teaching staff will be contacting new students during the coming weeks, to reassure you and answer any questions.
Any applicants who require Additional Learning Support will have their applications forwarded to the Inclusive Learning team for consideration. These might take slightly longer to process but, rest assured, we will progress them as quickly as possible.
Our website LiveChat function remains active and staffed. If you have any questions please use this to contact us. Similarly, please try to email
Full details of all of our study programmes can be found at
by Dave Salmon